Birth where, how and with whom you want (Bulgaria)

WORLD RESPECTED CHILDBIRTH WEEKBirth where, how and with whom you want” 

City of Sofia 


18.30 - Movie: Birth as a Human Right Issue. A beau­ti­ful film about the right and free­dom of choice regard­ing child­birth. — Yantra yoga stu­dio (33 Nez­abrav­ka St.)


18.30 - Hands-on sem­i­nar about alter­na­tive pain relief and the role of the doula dur­ing child­birth. Real­i­ty in Bul­gar­i­an hos­pi­tals. — Office of Estestveno (27 Todor Stoy­anov St.)


Estestveno’s web­site. Tell us about med­ical pro­fes­sion­als who respect­ed your free­dom of choice dur­ing child­birth. At the end of the week we shall col­lect your sto­ries and send them to the respec­tive hos­pi­tals. Through this ini­tia­tive we would like to express grat­i­tude towards med­ical prac­ti­tion­ers who respect­ed our rights in such a spe­cial moment as giv­ing birth. We would also like them to know how impor­tant their actions were in mak­ing birth a pos­i­tive expe­ri­ence. Each one of us can search our mem­o­ries and find some­thing to be thank­ful for. Let us give this pos­i­tive feed­back, so they know how impor­tant it is to us that our needs were respect­ed. For your con­ve­nience we have cre­at­ed a brief form which can be down­loaded here. Please fill it out and send it to us at:


 18.00 – Cre­ative work­shop under the theme “My birth” for preg­nant women and moth­ers of 0 — 2 year-olds. We are going to look at our future or past birth from a dif­fer­ent angle. We will share what we liked and did not like; our dreams and mem­o­ries; we will express our feel­ings and expe­ri­ences through art. Let us talk about and draw our child­birth togeth­er! — Yantra yoga stu­dio (33 Nez­abrav­ka St.). As spots for the work­shop are lim­it­ed, please sign-up at:


11.00 - Boriso­va Grad­i­na (Cen­tral city park), hap­pen­ing “Birth — free­dom of choice”/the right to make a choice?/

City of Varna 


10.30 — Movie: Birth as a Human Right Issue. Lec­ture “The impor­tance of birth for a person’s fur­ther life”, Diana Dim­itro­va, mid­wife, Uni­ver­si­ty pro­fes­sor. Dis­cus­sion of movie and lecture. 


Suc­cess­ful Child­birth Prac­tices – Maria Hris­to­va, Estestveno

The doula as a child­birth assis­tant (Maria Hris­to­va from Estestveno) 

Demon­stra­tion of tra­di­tion­al tech­niques dur­ing child­birth (Galya Stam­bolie­va from Rodilnitza) 


6 Steps to a healthy birth (Mile­na Dyankova) 

Cre­ative work­shop: My birth – Iveli­na Kraste­va, psy­chol­o­gist

For more details, please vis­it:,

The sched­ule con­tin­ues to be updat­ed. We are expect­ing input from oth­er orga­ni­za­tions and towns. Please fol­low



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