Birthchoices and Patient’s Rights at Birth (Austria)

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15–22 May 2011 in Vien­na and Low­er Austria 

To be able to make a good deci­sion con­cern­ing place of birth, OB/GYN or/and mid­wife and birthing method it is impor­tant to col­lect infor­ma­tion and to be aware of all choic­es you have in preg­nan­cy and birth. Knowl­edge about your rights as a preg­nant and birthing woman strength­ens your posi­tion in con­ver­sa­tion and con­flict with doc­tors, mid­wives and clin­ic staff to enforce your demands and ideas. As par­ents-to-be you are clients and you can accept exper­tis­es, advices and assis­tance, but also have the option to choose freely and deter­mine which med­ical (rou­tine) mea­sures you or your baby will under­go. Ide­al­ly you are sure of what you want and what you don’t want in advance.
SUNDAY, 15 May 2011
WORKSHOP Choic­es for my Birth: Infor­ma­tion and Deci­sion guid­ance where, with whom and how you want to give birth, Time: 3–6 pm, Loca­tion: Prax­is Tania Spalt, Ameis­gasse 11, 1140 Vien­na, Aus­tria, Fee: 14 Euro (for Child­birth-Alliance-Aus­tria Mem­bers only 8 Euro) + one accom­pa­ny­ing per­son free! (Part­ner, Moth­er, Sis­ter, Friend)
Thurs­day, 19 May 2011
WORKSHOP My Birth­sto­ry – My Dream­birth: Which Influ­ence do I have on the Birthing-Process?, Time: 6.30–9.30 pm, Loca­tion: Prax­is Tania Spalt, Ameis­gasse 11, 1140 Vien­na, Aus­tria, Fee: 14 Euro (for Child­birth-Alliance-Aus­tria Mem­bers only 8 Euro) + one accom­pa­ny­ing per­son free! (Part­ner, Moth­er, Sis­ter, Friend)
Fri­day, 20 May 2011
LECTURE Con­cep­tion, Preg­nan­cy and Birth as Mir­ror of Your For­mer Life: life­task could be defined in the moment of con­cep­tion as well as the feel­ing of mean­ing­ful­ness may find its cre­ation, Time: 4–5.30 pm, Loca­tion: VHS Hiet­z­ing, 1130 Vien­na, Aus­tria, Fee: 5 Euro (for Child­birth-Alliance-Aus­tria Mem­bers free)
LECTURE My Patient’s Rights in the Clin­ic: What can I refuse? What can I request?, Time: 6–7.30 pm, Loca­tion: VHS Hiet­z­ing, 1130 Vien­na, Aus­tria, Fee: 7 Euro (for Child­birth-Alliance-Aus­tria Mem­bers only 4 Euro)
Fri­day till sun­day 20–22 May 2011
SEMINAR Cesare­an Sec­tion – Heal­ing Wounds togeth­er: Account­ing for the past, Loca­tion: Breitenfurt/NOE, Time: Fri­day 6–8 am, Sat­ur­day 9 am-9pm, Sun­day 9am-3pm
Fee: 170–240 Euro self-assess­ment depend­ing on one’s finan­cial pos­si­bil­i­ties, plus pro­por­tion­al costs for sem­i­nar room: 25 Euro.
CHILDBIRTH ALLIANCE AUSTRIA is a grass­roots orga­ni­za­tion for babyfriend­ly and moth­er­friend­ly birth­care. Because of the high med­ical inter­ven­tion rate and resul­tant high dis­sat­is­fac­tion at moth­ers and fathers we pro­vide infor­ma­tion and take action to spreed the word for self-deter­mined and woman-cen­tered birth-expe­ri­ences. We inform about birth­choic­es and patient’s rights in preg­nan­cy, birth and first time with your baby. Watch out our Online-Shop for DVDs about preg­nan­cy, birth, breast­feed­ing, bond­ing, attach­ment, par­ent­ing, infant men­tal health and rais­ing children. 


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