IRWC 2012 (New Mexico)

IRWC 2012, “Birth and Eco­nom­ics,” events:

1. Birth & Eco­nom­ics Poll Con­test

In cel­e­bra­tion of Inter­na­tion­al Week For Respect­ing Child­birth, “Birth and Eco­nom­ics,” which is May 21–27, 2012, Nat­ur­al Nesters will be pro­mot­ing child­birth aware­ness in the com­mu­ni­ty by host­ing a birth and eco­nom­ics poll con­test on April 1- May 27. Par­tic­i­pants must answer all four poll ques­tions at before the dead­line on May 27, 2012 to have their name entered in the draw­ing. The win­ner will be announced the fol­low­ing week and award­ed a gift bag and $25 gift card to Nat­ur­al Nesters.

Aver­age facil­i­ty child­birth charges vary depend­ing on the place of birth (home, birth cen­ter, or hos­pi­tal), the way you give birth (vagi­nal or cesare­an birth), and whether there are com­pli­ca­tions. As you can see below, the aver­age hos­pi­tal charge for an uncom­pli­cat­ed vagi­nal birth is about five times the aver­age birth cen­ter charge for a vagi­nal birth. Hos­pi­tal charges sky­rock­et when there are com­pli­ca­tions and when the birth is by cesare­an sec­tion. This chart shows aver­age charges nation­al­ly. You can also view state-by-state charges.

Unit­ed States Aver­ages:–20091.pdf

New Mex­i­co Aver­ages:

2. Child­birth Class

In cel­e­bra­tion of Inter­na­tion­al Week For Respect­ing Child­birth, “Birth and Eco­nom­ics.” which is May 21–27, 2012, Nat­ur­al Nesters will be pro­vid­ing a free child­birth class open to the pub­lic at the New Mex­i­co Depart­ment of Health Con­fer­ence Room on Mon­day, May 7 — Fri­day, May 11 from 6:00–8:00 pm. Any­one inter­est­ed in learn­ing about pre­pared child­birth is encour­aged to attend.

3. Doula Potluck, Birth Sto­ries, & Doc­u­men­tary

In cel­e­bra­tion of Inter­na­tion­al Week For Respect­ing Child­birth, “Birth and Eco­nom­ics,” which is May 21–27, 2012, Nat­ur­al Nesters will be pro­mot­ing child­birth aware­ness in the com­mu­ni­ty by hav­ing an infor­ma­tion­al doula potluck, birth sto­ries, and doc­u­men­tary at her res­i­dence on Sat­ur­day, May 26 from 6:00–9:00 pm. Please bring a dish and birth sto­ry to share — the doc­u­men­tary “The Busi­ness of Being Born” will be pro­vid­ed. Nurs­ing babies are wel­come, but this is a Girl’s Night Out event, so child­care should be arranged for old­er chil­dren. Thanks!

In Peace, Love, and Light,
Kat­ri­na Fuller, CCCE, CCTE, CLE, CLD, BPC

Nat­ur­al Nesters
Preg­nan­cy, Child­birth, Post­par­tum, & Breast­feed­ing
Edu­ca­tion, Sup­port, & Inte­gral Ther­a­py Ser­vices
By Appoint­ment Only
Hobbs, New Mex­i­co 88240
(575) 392‑4874

The mis­sion of Nat­ur­al Nesters is to advo­cate, edu­cate, and sup­port women to trust their bod­ies’ and babies’ instinc­tu­al abil­i­ties as a nor­mal life process, empow­er them to make informed deci­sions sup­port­ed by cur­rent, evi­dence-based research, and embrace preg­nan­cy, child­birth, post­par­tum, and breast­feed­ing with con­fi­dence and suc­cess.

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