Inter­na­tion­al Week of Respect for Child­birth 2012 takes place under the patron­age of the City of Prague

Active Moth­er­hood Move­ment (HAM) orga­nizes: (

21st ‑27th May 2012, Per­styn Cin­e­ma, Prague
M — Th 1 pm to 6.30 pm, F — Su 10 am to 6.30 pm.

Infor­ma­tive Fes­ti­val of Preg­nan­cy, Child­birth and Par­ent­hood

  • Lec­tures for Preg­nant Women 
  • Pre­sen­ta­tions, Dis­cus­sions and Screen­ings for Pupils and Students 
  • Work­shops for Health Professionals 
  • Shop 

HOMO ECOLOGICUS — Unique Exhi­bi­tion of Nature and Man Friend­ly Prod­ucts Used Not Only dur­ing Preg­nan­cy, Birth and in Childcare

organ­ic food prod­ucts, nat­ur­al cos­met­ics, reusable tex­tile nap­pies, mod­ern nap­py sys­tems, organ­ic cot­ton baby clothes, women’s inti­mate hygiene prod­ucts, wash­ing and clean­ing prod­ucts
Two lec­tures in Eng­lish!!!! Nao­mi Aldort and Valerie Flem­ming on Tues­day, May, 22 from 3.30 PM and 6 PM! For more info you can mail us to rezervace(at)  or call to 776 465 461.

Mid­wife and doula con­sul­ta­tions – on preg­nan­cy, birth, nurs­ing and child­care – dur­ing the whole week

* how to sup­port a well prospect­ed preg­nan­cy and birth
* what to do about the usu­al minor dis­com­forts of preg­nan­cy 
* what is nor­mal and what does not have to be
* how to choose a place to give birth at, how to choose the sup­port care­givers

* what can I do what do I have to do

* what has to be orga­nized before the birth and after
* we are hav­ing a baby, and what now…
* nurs­ing yes, but…

And much more…

Simul­ta­ne­ous exhi­bi­tions and events at many places in the Czech Repub­lic.

More Inko on

and in Czech –

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