Parto do Principio — Brazil

Français Eng­lish Español

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am con­tact­ing you on behalf of “Par­to do Prin­ci­pio” (Birth of a  Prin­ci­ple), a Brazil­iam net­work of women joined by active birth and  mater­ni­ty. We would like to inform you that we were inspired by WRCW  2006 and on May 13th we held our own cel­e­bra­tion simul­ta­ne­ous­ly in 6  dif­fer­ent cities through­out Brazil.

You can see the news report:
We would like to be involved with WRCW 2007. Please tell us how we can work togeth­er to help spread the word!
  Alessan­dra God­in­ho
  Par­to do Princí­pio — Rede de Mul­heres pela Mater­nidade Ati­va

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