Natural Nesters (New Mexico, USA)

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In cel­e­bra­tion of Inter­na­tion­al Week for Respect­ing Child­birth, Nat­ur­al Nesters will be pro­mot­ing child­birth aware­ness in the com­mu­ni­ty with a birth sur­vey con­test, a free child­birth class, and a doula tea. In addi­tion, the Moth­er-Friend­ly Child­birth Ini­tia­tive, High­lights of the Evi­dence Basis for the Ten Steps of Moth­er-Friend­ly Care, and The Birth Sur­vey will be mailed to Lea Region­al Med­ical Cen­ter to eval­u­ate their cur­rent prac­tices and adopt new poli­cies and pro­ce­dures that lead to improved mater­nal and neona­tal health out­comes and pos­si­ble des­ig­na­tion as a “moth­er-friend­ly” hos­pi­tal. For more infor­ma­tion, please con­tact Kat­ri­na Fuller, CCCE, CLE, CLD, BPC at (575) 392‑4874. Thank you for your time and coop­er­a­tion in mak­ing this year’s Inter­na­tion­al Week for Respect­ing Child­birth a success!

In Peace, Love, and Light,
Kat­ri­na Fuller, CCCE, CLE, CLD, BPC

Nat­ur­al Nesters
Preg­nan­cy, Child­birth, Post­par­tum, & Breast­feed­ing
Edu­ca­tion, Sup­port, & Inte­gral Ther­a­py Ser­vices
By Appoint­ment Only
Hobbs, New Mex­i­co 88240
(575) 392‑4874

The mis­sion of Nat­ur­al Nesters is to advo­cate, edu­cate, and sup­port women to trust their bod­ies’ and babies’ instinc­tu­al abil­i­ties as a nor­mal life process, empow­er them to make informed deci­sions sup­port­ed by cur­rent, evi­dence-based research, and embrace preg­nan­cy, child­birth, post­par­tum, and breast­feed­ing with con­fi­dence and success. 

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