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Bibliographical database

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 Images on this page may dis­play a French-lan­guage inter­face. How­ev­er you can browse the data­base in three lan­guages: French, Eng­lish and Portuguese.

This data­base aims at meet­ing the need for ref­er­ence med­ical pub­li­ca­tions with respect to child­birth and peri­na­tal care. It can be used by both indi­vid­u­als (users) and professionals.

It allows a quick research on a giv­en top­ic, with­out hav­ing to study dozens of pro­fes­sion­al jour­nals, and to draw a fair gen­er­al idea from read­ing summaries.

Though is not ori­ent­ed towards a par­tic­u­lar agen­da, selec­tion bias­es are unavoid­able. For this rea­son we hope to increase the num­ber of con­trib­u­tors cov­er­ing a wide range of topics.

The 3‑language inter­face has been adapt­ed to brows­ing on tablets and mobile phones.

Dis­play 50 lat­est entries

 Youtube chan­nel: a tuto­r­i­al of the AFAR data­base (soon in English)

The following is a summary of main features described in the tutorial.

Two meth­ods are pro­posed for query­ing the AFAR bib­li­o­graph­i­cal data­base: sim­pli­fied search and expert query.

Simplified search (keyword-based)

Fol­low one of the fol­low­ing links to dis­play the search page:

On each page it is pos­si­ble to change lan­guage in a sin­gle click and even choose a dif­fer­ent font for the display.

Expert query

Aperçu de la recherche experte

Displaying results

  • Click­ing the title opens the detailed record
  • Click­ing links (“URL” col­umn) leads to an archive of the abstract (gen­er­al­ly on the pub­lish­er’s site)

Easy: use the record number!

  • From the record num­ber, a sim­ple URL leads direct­ly to the record
    Exam­ple for record #2132 :

Subscribe to the site: why?

It is rec­om­mend­ed to subscribe to the web­site of the data­base. The site will only store your name and email address, all of which will remain confidential.

Sub­scrib­ing gives access to the fol­low­ing services:

  1. Fol­low the cre­ation of records by select­ing the key­words your are inter­est­ed in
  2. Access to the “edit” mode for the cre­ation or mod­i­fi­ca­tion of records if you have been grant­ed autho­riza­tion after your reg­is­tra­tion. A sin­gle click allows you to beg for it.

To sub­scribe, click the link “Log in” at the top right, then “I am not sub­scribed, please cre­ate my account…”.

An interactive site!

Users reg­is­tered on the site can add their com­ments at the bot­tom of each bib­li­o­graph­ic record. A char­ter defines the con­di­tions of accep­tance of these com­ments (a pos­te­ri­ori mod­er­at­ed). Their pur­pose is to com­plete the arti­cle and pro­vide links to oth­er reli­able sources of information.

Questions/answers on the bibliography

Since when has it been oper­a­tional?

Is it com­mer­cial?

Who is main­taing and expand­ing it?
Ded­i­cat­ed vol­un­taries, includ­ing one who are not be mem­bers of the AFAR

Is it an exhaus­tive bib­li­og­ra­phy?
No, it is non-sys­tem­at­i­cal­ly fed when arti­cles are iden­ti­fied as impor­tant for users, or when a sys­tem­at­ic review is per­formed on a par­tic­u­lar topic.

Which fields are required for each publication?

  • title,
  • authors,
  • jour­nal and year of publication,
  • key­words,
  • URL(s) of the pub­li­ca­tion (abstract and full text if available)
  • abstract of the publication
  • if pos­si­ble, trans­la­tions of the abstract in oth­er languages
  • when rel­e­vant, com­ments and analy­sis, with links to dis­cus­sion pages
  • since 2009, the DOI (Dig­i­tal Object Iden­ti­fi­er, a per­sis­tent iden­ti­fi­er of publications)

Do we get the full text for every arti­cle?
In any case, arti­cles are sub­ject to “copy­right”, there­by mean­ing that their dis­sem­i­na­tion is sub­ject to con­di­tions.
When the jour­nal grants free access to the text, we indi­cate its URL and keep a copy of its con­tent for pub­lic or pri­vate access, depend­ing on its copy­right sta­tus. How­ev­er the major­i­ty of access­es are on a paid-basis.
To access the con­tent of an arti­cle you must either sub­scribe to the jour­nal or buy the arti­cles — often around 30 USD per arti­cle, what­ev­er its size.
It is also pos­si­ble to direct­ly ask for a reprint from the authors or read the paper in an aca­d­e­m­ic library.

How can I contribute?

Do you know (or wish to know) how to search med­ical pub­li­ca­tions, read abstracts most often in Eng­lish and do a quick analy­sis, or trans­late abstracts? Does the top­ic of med­ical prac­tices dur­ing preg­nan­cy or child­birth inter­est you?

If you wish to con­tribute to this bib­li­og­ra­phy, you can reg­is­ter on the data­base and ask to be grant­ed edi­tor’s rights.
Click the “Login” link at the top right of each page, then “Cre­ate my account”.

You will then be able to add/modify records (addi­tion of abstract, com­ments, full text) with the help of the admin­is­tra­tors. Some very use­ful work requires no doc­u­men­ta­tion skills, such as updat­ing links to pub­li­ca­tions that were record­ed in ancient times.

You can also import into the AFAR data­base a bib­li­og­ra­phy that you have cre­at­ed with the Zotero tool:

  • send us the Zotero export in EndNote+Xml for­mat, we will import it into our database
  • or reg­is­ter and ask us for admin­is­tra­tor access to per­form the import by yourself.

Down­load the Zotero import method (PDF in French)

Pour une recherche exhaus­tive de références médi­cales, con­sul­tez PubMed (Nation­al Cen­ter for Biotech­nol­o­gy Infor­ma­tion). Un mode d’emploi en français vous est pro­posé par l’U­ni­ver­sité de Montréal.For an exhaus­tive query of the med­ical lit­er­a­ture, please con­nect to PubMed (Nation­al Cen­ter for Biotech­nol­o­gy Information).
Un index d’ar­ti­cles sci­en­tifiques sur la grossesse et la péri­ode “pri­male” des bébés peut être con­sulté au Cen­tre de recherche en san­té pri­male. Un autre réper­toire impor­tant sur la pra­tique de sage-femme est celui de UK Mid­wifery Archive.The Pri­mal Health Research Cen­tre pro­vides an index to the sci­en­tif­ic lit­er­a­ture rel­a­tive to preg­nan­cy and the “pri­mal” peri­od of babies. Anoth­er impor­tant source on mid­wifery prac­tice is the UK Mid­wifery Archive.