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Orgas­mic birth
USA 2008, 85 min, direc­tor Debra Pas­cali Bonaro
Joy­ous, sen­su­ous and rev­o­lu­tion­ary, Orgas­mic Birth brings the ulti­mate chal­lenge to our cul­tur­al myths by invit­ing view­ers to see the emo­tion­al, spir­i­tu­al, and phys­i­cal heights attain­able through birth.  Wit­ness the pas­sion as birth is revealed as an inte­gral part of woman’s sex­u­al­i­ty and a neglect­ed human right. 


Fri­day May 16, 5 p.m.
Kino Perštýn, Pra­ha 1, Czech Repub­lic
dur­ing the World Respect­ed Child­birth Week

spon­sored by
UNIPA – Union of Mid­wives
 Czech Doula Asso­ci­a­tion
Move­ment for Active Mothering

Categorias: smar.archives

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