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A real prob­lem in the evo­lu­tion of med­ical prac­tices is access to knowl­edge. In France, only a few teach­ers look for the results of research to pass them on in their teach­ing, so that it some­times takes a whole gen­er­a­tion between the pub­li­ca­tion of results and their implementation…

With its online data­base, AFAR is try­ing to make it eas­i­er to cross the first two ditch­es. The third one: when health pro­fes­sion­als dis­cov­er that some par­ents are bet­ter informed about a spe­cif­ic sub­ject, and that they got expe­ri­ence in look­ing for infor­ma­tion, they may also change their prac­tice with­out wait­ing for the next generation.

These new ways of access­ing knowl­edge are upset­ting pow­er rela­tions. Still, we can­not expect a social change with­out such an upheaval.